A socket declares to which endpoint a socket connection should be established.
Initialize a Socket connection with an endpoint.
init "ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket"
Attach parameters to the socket connecton. You can use this to do authentication on the socket level. This will be the first argument (as a map) in your connect/2
callback on the server.
init "ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket"
|> withParams [("token", "GYMXZwXzKFzfxyGntVkYt7uAJnscVnFJ")]
The client regularly sends a heartbeat to the server. With this function you can specify the intervall in which the heartbeats are send. By default it_s 30 seconds.
init "ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket"
|> heartbeatIntervallSeconds 60
The client regularly sends a heartbeat to the sever. With this function you can disable the heartbeat.
init "ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket"
|> withoutHeartbeat
The effect manager will try to establish a socket connection. If it fails it will try again with a specified backoff. By default the effect manager will use the following exponential backoff strategy:
defaultReconnectTimer failedAttempts =
if backoff < 1 then
toFloat (10 * 2 ^ failedAttempts)
With this function you can specify a custom strategy.
Representation of a Socket connection