

The amoeba $\mathcal{A}(𝑓)$ of a Laurent polynomial $f \in \mathbb{C}[z_1^\pm, \ldots, z_n^\pm]$ is the image of the non-singular hypersurface $\mathcal{V}(f) \subset (\mathbb{C}^*)^n$ under the Log-absolute value map given by

\[\operatorname{Log}|\cdot|:\; (\mathbb{C}^*)^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n, \quad (z_1, \ldots, z_n) \mapsto (\log|z_1|, \ldots, \log|z_n|) \;.\]

It was first introduced by Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky in their book Discriminants, Resultants, and Multidimensional Determinants in 1994.

amoeba(f; alg=Polygonal(), options...)

Compute the amoeba of f with the given algorithm alg which can be

  • Polygonal()
  • Greedy()
  • ArchTrop()
  • Simple()

but you probably only want to use Polygonal() or Greedy().

Depending on the given algorithm the function takes different keyword arguments.


@polyvar x y

# This uses the `Polygonal()` algorithm
amoeba(x^2 + y^2 + 1)

# We only want a crude approximation
amoeba(x^2 + y^2 + 1, accuracy=0.1)

# Use the `Greedy()` algorithm.
amoeba(x^2 + y^2 + 1, alg=Greedy())

# Use the `Greedy()` algorithm with a custom grid.
grid = Grid2D(xlims=(-5, 5), ylims=(-4, 4), res=(500, 400))
amoeba(x^2 + y^2 + 1, alg=Greedy(), grid=grid)

# Use the `Greedy()` algorithm with the default domain but a higher resolution
amoeba(x^2 + y^2 + 1, alg=Greedy(), resolution=800)


This algorithm computes an approximation of the amoeba $\mathcal{A}(f)$ in the provided domain Ω by computing a set of polygons 𝒫 with |𝒫| ⊂ Ω such that the union of these polygons approximates $\mathcal{A}(f)$ ∩ Ω from the outside.

The possible (optional) arguments are

  • domain: A tuple in the form (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) which defines a section Ω

for which the amoeba $\mathcal{A}(f)$ is computed. This domain has to be such that the intersection Ω ∩ $\mathcal{A}(f)$ still captures the correct topology of $\mathcal{A}(f)$.

  • accuracy=0.01: The maximal allowed error |𝒫 - $\mathcal{A}(f)$ ∩ Ω|. Note that we only compute an upper limit of the error.

The algorithms stops if the given accuracy is reached.

  • spine: This algorithm needs the spine of $\mathcal{A}(f)$.
  • minimal_component_size=0.01: The minimal size of the components of the complement. This is only used if no spine

is passed explicitly.

  • iterations=2000: The maximal number of iterations.
  • vertices_accuracy=accuracy*1e-3: During the algorithm we approximate points on the boundary of $\mathcal{A}(f)$. This

is the accuracy with which we compute them. Note hat this influences the minimal error of the approximation and it should always be some magnitudes smaller than accuracy.

  • membership_options=[MembershipTestOptions()](@ref): As a subroutine a membership test is used.

Greedy(), Simple(), ArchTrop()

These algorithms are all approximations of the amoeba $\mathcal{A}(f)$ based on a grid. This basically applies the membership test for different grid points. Greedy() is the fastest and Simple() the slowest. The grid can be passed explicitly, otherwise it will be computed based on a heuristic.

  • resolution=600: The resolution of the grid if not passed explicitly.
  • grid: If passed explicitly this grid is used, otherwise it will be computed based on a heuristic.
  • membership_options=[MembershipTestOptions()](@ref): The options for the membership test.